Saturday, March 15, 2008

Just rereading my last post made me tear up. I just have no words for it all. I am still sad.

I just wrapped up a week of Spring Break... more like Flu break. Hubby and the kids were sick the moment I got back from my retreat last week. It was awful horrible stuff. Dh and Number 2 are still coughing. Then I got it last Tuesday... oh man it was horrible. I am finally feeling better enough today to DO something, although I did have to go to my psych class. :-( The thought of the class makes me want to scream but when I am there I actually really like the class. Go figure.

Number 1 had her 2nd ice skating lesson today with her group. She is doing AWESOME! I saw her do her bent knee glide and a backward swizzle! You go baby girl! I think we are going to enter into the US Figure Skating comp on May 3th. (Tracee we will see you then!) And then the May 4th ice show at the rink. We picked up Number 1's new white Riedell skates today albeit poorly sharpened but she was so happy. The poor sharpening won't effect her ability to skate but if they were my skates or an advanced level skaters' I would have been a leetle more irritated. Of course the director was trying to squirm her way out of any admission of guilt. WTF ever lady. Me and this lady go "back". We go back to the days when I used to bust my ass for that place---err I mean teach figure skating at this particular rink. She was just a coach then. One by one everyone left and the only one still there was this "lady" so she ended up director. whatevah! I reallllllllllllllly don't ever want to coach there again, but A, one of the the other coaches was trying to get me to come back. uh no thanks. I wont' forget the "lady's" racist comment one day, and that sealed the deal for me. Then Number 1 skated by herself around the rink twice, she was sooooooooo darn cute!

After that we tried to go car seat shopping but Sucks R Us didn't have what we wanted. The insurance company is agreeing to replace the seats. Um why you might ask is an "insurance company" involved in our car seat purchased. Oh silly me, I forgot to tell you all. yeah that leetle detail... my brand new mini van, You know the one I lusted after, the one I cried about, the one I saw and said that WILL be mine and then when all hope was lost the dealer called us and caved and said okkkkkkkkkk you can have it at the price you went, yeah that one??? Dh decided to "lightly kiss the bumper" of some dumb-ass last Friday when she decided to slam on her brakes. She slammed on her brakes because the fucknut in front of her stalled out. My babyblue sweet princess sparkly new Toyota Sienna Minivan, 2008, was disshelved. Completed disshevled. Front crumpled into a neat and tidy mess with the scars and tears in her front bumper to explain why. 500.00 deductible later and she is all better... but still. The total cost of the repairs was $3000.00. So we felt it warranted new seats, to be on the safe side.

So we came home, I ordered them online and then instituted a boot camp clean up. We cleaned up for about 4 hours until we couldn't any longer. the house was *disgusting*. Six weeks of no mommy doing anything really took its toll. You don't even want to knwo what was growing on in the toilets. Shutter.

off to bed. We are going to an archaeology site tomorrow to take pictures. Oh joy. MY dh is hiring me but not even paying me... yeah not even paying me I said!?!