Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Day 2007

Well its officially Thanksgiving Day but my eyes have not seen any sleep yet. I was up cleaning the messy house and then decided to bake the pumpkin pie that I wanted to bake for days now. I was so excited because I got organic pumpkin and organic sweetened condensed milk and a recipe for both of those things in a pumpkin pie. So I gather the ingredients, and I decide that I will for the first time in my life and in my baking career, "adjust" the recipe and experiment with the spices.

So I decided it was ok to add some "Pumpkin Spice" spice to the recipe, and also to add some allspice. So I beat the eggs with my fancy new electric hand mixer from Target. This thing rocks! And it was so cheap too! On sale for 20.00! So I mix up the organic eggs, and then in a seperate bowl I mixed up the organic sugar and the spices. I added a dash more ginger than called for (what a rebel!) and I sprinkled on the Pumpkin Pie spice as well as furthering the experiment by adding a sprinkle or two of ground allspice, which the recipe did not call for. So I open this can of pumpkin and I mix everything together, following the directions on the back of the can. The recipe is from the can of pumpkin, its not too fancy schmanzy. But do you notice anything? Read what I wrote about about the pumpkin. . . and then look at the can. . . its not organic! DOH! I had the Libby's can for the recipe and the organic pumpkin can sitting next to it and opened and used the wrong one! *sad* I really need smilies here.

So I just used what I had and it made 2 pies. Which was nice. I almost burned them because I have a habit of putting crap in the oven then going upstairs to surf the 'net or check email and then years later I go down to smell a burned item in the oven. Thankfully the pies were saved. They might be a little dry but they are still yummy looking. I will take a picture tomorrow.
Night y'all!


Tracee said...

The sweater lookes ah-some! :) I bet you were pissed when you realized you weren't using the organic pumpkin! I hope it tastes good anyway. Enjoy the day!

Jennifer said...

yes I was super pissed!