Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hey Its Hanukkah!

Well it was Hanukkah... the last night was Tuesday night, December 11. 8 nights of fried foods, candles and fire, singing and children begging to open more presents. I think I gained 30 pounds eating the sufganiot and latkes my dh cooked all week. He also made some fried pastie things with meat and cheese inside. I wasn't too excited about them, but I was so hungry I ate them and YUM, they were so good. They tasted like a gooey, doughy cheesesteak. YUM I miss cheesesteaks. One of the gifts we got for the kids was a paintable menorah and I think they loved that present the most. The sad, ironic thing about that menorah is that I found it at Hellmart! *ick* I went there to see if they had a chess set, they didn't, but I found some Hanukkah items on clearance, woo hoo! I almost never shop there... maybe once or twice a year at most. I really hate going there... but that is for another day.

So anyway, the paintable menorah, my dd loved it. She loves anything artistic in nature. She is always drawing or painting or coloring. *always*. For the first time this year we also attended the menorah lighting ceremony at the State House. Lots of important men and dignitaries were there. We met up with some friends that we hadn't seen in a while so that was nice to see them.

We also spent the week shuffling Number 1 from technical rehearsal, to dress rehearsal, to performance after performance after performance. She was in the Nutcracker again this year, this time she was not just any old mouse but a *cartwheel* mouse...upgraded from the rollover mouse she was 2 years ago. She made the audition and was cast as a cartwheel mouse last year but... well we wont' talk about last year. Mommy screwed up majorly and we didn't do the Nutcracker. It is kinda strange to be talking about the Nutcrack in a Hanukkah post isn't it? *sigh* that is life in the South.

I've also been trying to finish up the sweater I am knitting for Number 2 and I also recently started and just finished tonight this lovely hat pattern. Its called the Hudson Hat, and my friend Lindsay is a genius. Its a gorgeous easy to knit hat, and I can't wait to give it to my son.
Here is my version:

I just love the colors in the hat and the cute tassels on the ends. I used the following yarns:
darker blue colorway is from The Royal Ewe, and its a type of merino, super soft. The next colorway is Mosaic Moon's Lollipop colorway in their Full Belly Farm Yarn. (Its the same yarn I am using for Number 2s sweater). And the third colorway is a pretty green and blue dyed colorway from my irl friend Lesley. I don't know what kind of yarn it was, some type of merino I think.

1 comment:

Tracee said...

you know i love the hat, and i also love the sweaters! your blog header is awesome! i have a friend that is *supposed* to have been making a dragonfly one for me, but i have yet to see it. want to give it a shot??? it must have purples in it and dragonflies! thanks for the link, i will read and comment daily now! hehe. love, me